Oysters in the Bottle

A Real Health Tonic


For as long as i can remember there have been Oysters in the bottle…….Seriously good for those Oyster shooters……A bottle of ten shot is a real vitamin and mineral tonic..no chemist required….Our 3 Stores carry bottles of 10 and 30 oysters prepared daily…..Sydney Rock Oysters are our choice for the bottles…….Aussie Seafood Houses….Capalaba, Durack and Strathpine Stores….

Oysters in the Bottle

A Real Health Tonic


For as long as i can remember there have been Oysters in the bottle … Seriously good for those Oyster shooters .. A bottle of ten shot is a real vitamin and mineral tonic .. no chemist required … Our 3 Stores carry bottles of 10 and 30 oysters prepared daily … Sydney Rock Oysters are our choice for the bottles … Aussie Seafood Houses … Capalaba West, Durack and Strathpine Stores Open 7 Days a Week

Few other foods can compare with the nutritional balance of oysters. The oyster is a well-balanced, easily digestible and nutritious food, rich in minerals (zinc, selenium, magnesium) and vitamins (A, B1, B2 and C). They are low in cholesterol, and contain approximately one quarter of the cholesterol of prawns and squid, equal to most other fish. They are well below the cholesterol levels in red meat and some poultry.